
We source our inventory from several partnered warehouses & factories located in the US, with Europe & Asia in order to keep our inventory affordable, fresh and up-to-date with the latest styles we will have items produced and sent out from whenever inventory is most accessible and convenient to the order's destination.

This automatically sent to your email address when you place an order. If you haven't received your order confirmation within 24 hours, please get in touch at Please check your mailbox's spam or junk folder it might the confirmation order diverted, otherwise, contact us thru email provided above.

We offer free standard shipping on all orders within the United States, Australia and Canada. Orders are typically processed within 2-3 business days.

We will use Standard shipping to ship your order out unless otherwise requested. It usually takes 6 - 8 business days to deliver to most countries, depends on the delivery location.

We've made it easier than ever to track orders after they have been placed. Simply head over to our Tracking Your Order and there you can enter the requested information to find the real-time update of your shipment. Mollify Store will also be updating you via email regarding the status of your order so make sure that you've added Mollify Store to your email contact list.

We accept Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and Dinners Club Debit and Credit cards.


Please contact our customer service team via Providing the return is within the 14 day cancellation period an meets our return criteria, we will issue you with a return note by email. You need to print and attach to the packaging of the product when returning it to us.

If you contact us immediately after ordering (up to 1 hour) thru email, we may be able to cancel your order before it's processed (15% restocking fees applies). If not, we'll despatch your order and then can return it to us if you wish upon receiving it.